Our Philosophy
CP1: Building Respectful and Positive Relationships with Our Children
Our educators at Younique ELC prioritise building positive relationships with children, taking the time to engage in meaningful conversations. We view children as capable co-contributors and active participants in their learning, incorporating their ideas into our educational programmes. Our approach is child-centred, with adult support to nurture and extend their interests through spontaneous play and inquiry-based methods.
To enhance our teaching practice, we draw from various theoretical perspectives such as family-centred practice (by Dunst), the ecological framework (by Bronfenbrenner), and Pikler/Gerber's approach (Resources for Infant Educarers). Additionally, we value Vygotsky's ideas for building strong social-emotional relationships with children, as well as insights from Piaget and RIE. Throughout the teaching process, our educators provide a flexible routine and guide children through step-by-step expectations. We demonstrate respect for their choices and agency, ensuring that our teaching practices remain reflective and adaptable to achieve the best outcomes for children. (EYLF LO 1, ECA Code of Ethics) (QA 5 Relationships with Children) (EYLF LO 4, QA 1 Educational Program and Practice) (ECA Code of Ethics)
CP2: Learning Through Play and Creating Meaningful Learning Environment
Our team firmly believes in the effectiveness of play-based pedagogies for nurturing children's independence and self-help skills, facilitating successful transitions in all aspects of their learning. When making curriculum decisions, we consider each child's unique circumstances, including their abilities, language, culture, and background, including bilingual children and those with special needs, to ensure meaningful learning experiences for all. We provide a stimulating and responsive environment where positive reinforcement and encouragement are integral to making learning enjoyable and effective. We promote sustainability through collaboration among educators, parents, and children to reduce waste and encourage recycling by reusing materials, including recycled items donated by families, as the primary resource for our art activities, supported by a designated donation space for parents. (QA 1 Educational Program and Practice) (QA 3 Physical Environment)
CP3: Building a cultural safe organisation and Respect Diversity Embracing Every Child’s Background
CP3: Building a cultural safe organisation and Respect Diversity Embracing Every Child’s Background
"Every Koorie child in Victoria is precious. We honour Koorie children and commit to supporting them from early childhood throughout life."
we foster a culturally safe organisation that respects diversity and embraces every child’s background. We ensure all children feel safe, valued, and included, with zero tolerance for abuse or neglect. We support Aboriginal children, those from CALD backgrounds, LGBTQIA+ groups, children with disabilities, and those unable to live at home, empowering them within a robust safety network. This aligns with Child Safe Standards 3 and 5. (CALD) (LGBTQIA+) (Child safe standard 3,5) (Please refer to our public commitment)
CP4: Partnership with Families
We partner with families, recognizing them as the primary caregivers and a child's first educators. Our goal is to collaborate in shared decision-making to complement the family's role, fostering a positive and caring environment where children can learn and feel secure. We prioritize open and respectful communication with parents, promoting an open-door policy. (ECA Code of Ethics) (EYLF LO 2, QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities) policy (QA 7 Leadership and service management)
CP5: Community Engagement
We embrace and value diversity within Australian society, involving parents, friends, and the broader community to enrich children's understanding and contribution to their world. Exposure to various cultures, music, and arts fosters a perception of an integrated, multicultural, and equal society.
Our network includes parents, families, and local community relationships, where we highly respect Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and acknowledge our indigenous heritage. We pay homage to the traditional owners of the land, the Bunerong and the Wurundjeri people, incorporating their values into our educational program, exploring Bunjil's story for the City of Casey, and sharing insights into their way of life, language, symbols, and art with our children. (ECA Code of Ethics) (EYLF – LO 2, child safe standard 1) (QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities)
CP6: Promote Environment with Open Ended Experience, Children’s Health and Safety
At Younique ELC, we provide open-ended experiences and permanent learning spaces to stimulate children's curiosity and delight. Our team is dedicated to maintaining a safe environment, both physically and online, to minimise harm. We promote healthy practices during mealtimes, prioritise hygiene, and encourage physical activity to support children's overall well-being. Our teachers also guide children in identifying potential danger areas and following safety rules, both indoors and outdoors. For example, educators and children establish rules for resource handling to minimise indoor risks, while outdoor activities emphasise yielding and one-directional vehicle riding to reduce potential hazards. Additionally, we promote dance and music for healthy physical development. (QA 3 Physical environment) (QA 2 Children’s Health and Safety and Child safe standard 9) (EYLF LO 3).
CP7: Continuous Learning, Reflective Practice and Professional Development
We believe children can actively shape their learning, fostering a sense of agency, supported by our early childhood educators who capitalize on 'teachable moments.' Our team views every day as a learning journey where we learn from one another. We continuously enhance our knowledge through ongoing professional development, research, and reflective practices. (EYLF LO 5) (QA 7 Leadership and service management)